a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization serving Summit County, Ohio

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Victim Identification Notification Everyday

We want to tell you about something important called VINE, which stands for Victim Identification Notification Everyday. VINE helps people who have been affected by crime. It can give real-time updates to victims, their families, and others about what’s happening with the person who committed the crime.

You’ll get messages if there are any changes, like if the person is getting out of jail or moving somewhere else. However, please keep in mind that not all jails, prisons, and community control programs (like Oriana House) participate. Like everything, we never want you to depend 100% on technology when it comes to your safety. Consider exploring the VINE Website, App Store, or Google Play to see if VINE is an additional resource to use to accompany your own personal safety plan.

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